Heat from home or warmer daytime weather will melt snow on the roof. Icicles can form if melted snow has nowhere to go. Clogged gutters or "ice dams" on the roof edge prevent melted snow from draining downward.
When this happens, standing water or ice can seep back under the shingles. Once moisture gets under the shingle, it can cause problems inside your home. Unfortunately, once ice dams have formed, there aren't many removal options.
Melting ice dams with warm water can be a solution, but this may involve climbing onto a slippery roof. If you're expecting more cold weather, a quick solution is to call an experienced professional to safely remove the ice.
Another way to prevent ice dams from forming is to remove snow (the source of standing water) from the roof before it melts. After the freezing period passes, take some time to inspect your roof or clean any gutter blockages. The extra weight of ice in your gutters can cause them to pull away from their mounting points. If moisture has gotten under the shingle, the resulting ice could have damaged your shingles as well.
If you notice any of these problems, contact an experienced roofing professional. They can not only perform proper roof repair but can also help you take steps to prevent these problems in the future.